You never get a second chance to make a 1st impression

Why not start your relationship with any and all potential clients by making that first impression count with a bonafide professional business headshot. Establish that you are the professional real estate agent they need to hire.

Business headshot photo for a real estate agent

Great Lighting is the key to a professional real estate agent headshot.

you dont necessarily have to be on a "background" as often an environemental background can be beautiful as well. You'll want to be able to extract YOU from the background however in order to utilize your headshot to the fullest.

Avoid the temptation to put this off. How many agents do you know that have a really outdated photograph as their headshot. What do you suppose a client thinks when they expect the person showing up to be 30 and you show up as a 50 year old? Hmmmmm. probably thats not the best way to start off the relationship. Also consider what message your headshot communicates to the viewer? Does it convey professionalism? Confidence? Approachability? Too many have not thought about what message a professional realtor headshot should or should not present. Party King? Sexy Lady? Stud Muffin? maybe leave those to your social media pages. For business purposes, set a timeless professional outward appearance by getting a solid business headshot created.

Go easy on the editing too please. Of course we retouch all the images before we deliver them, but sadly Facebook and similar has made sanding off all the wrinkles far too prevalent. Sure a litte Photoshop love is great, but a little goes a long way. you should avoid the temptation to try to remove every single line on your face. nobody looks like that. plasticy....is generally obvious and not very flattering. Here is about the level we recommend

We can even bring our headshot studio to you at home or even at your office so there really is no excuse for a shoddy looking first impression. Heres a look at our mobile studio set up. Give it a try today, better yet, get a couple friends and lets have a headshot party and you guys can split the expense.

Ready to go? Great! you can book your headshot session on the same ordering treasure coast real estate photography portal in seconds. Book your real estate listing photos and your realtor headshot photo session right here!

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