What is the Complete marketing kit,

and why do I need it?

Great question. Here's the short version. For only $25.oo, you get a whole suite of automatically generated, fully branded to you, custom marketing pieces for you to use to market your listing, and build YOUR BRAND.

First, you get a custom created website for your listing. here's one we just did so you can see how dynamic it is. Great for sharing and even better for showing off your brand and all you bring to the table should a seller list with you.

Actual Property Website HERE

Below, are actual screen grabs of all the marketing options you'll find for just one listing. plenty to choose from. All can be customized if you wish, or use em just like they are pre made for you.

If you made it this far, thank you! Yes, there area ton of options. the first 18 above are actually vertical VIDEO reels...think tik tok or insta or fb. But the images rotate thru several times to really catch the viewers attention. here's a couple for you so you can see what I mean. All the reels share this trait.

The video above is the slideshow of stills that is created for every listing that includes the complete marketing kit. These are made in both wide and square, both long and short versions to suit your needs. They are available for downloading directly, or are uploaded to our youtube channel so you need only share the link. You can even post it on your mls listing if you use the non branded version of course. You can "turn off" any image in your gallery, which removes it from these, as well as the property website and other marketing materials should you wish.

As you can see from all the screen grabs, you can edit each one to your needs. you can use as many of these as you like. Maybe you pick a different one to post every week, or one for instagram and another for facebook, and one for tik tok. The possibilities are endless. If you look closer to each of the gallery shots...you'll see what exactly they are. Vertical reels are available both at dynamic videos with multiple rotating image frames that change over and over in one video, or if you prefer simply as a flyer style image with multiple images shown.

Now heres a "pro tip" Our system picks the images for use in all these....from your gallery of course. BUT...to make things simple, it picks any image you have marked as a favorite for these pieces first. So you can help the system help you by simply checking off your favorites when you initially view the images. (I'll do a few for you of course). So that way it builds your real estate marketing pieces from your favorite images. Meaning that each of these is probably not gonna need much editing if any.

Heres another "pro tip". Our system auto populates all your personal data into all these automatically for you. So, that means it adds your headshot, agency logo, social media links contact info...all that vital stuff is added for you. Saving you tons of time on design.

Pro tip #3 WE have built an auto import tool that we can use for you to automatically import all that great sales info you already entered in your mls listing. Thats right, with one click I can import all the data and automatically put in in the correct fields so your website and all the marketing pieces already have that stuff in there so you dont have to re do all that work. Bottom line is once we've done that for you, most of these are completely "done" and ready to use and share without you having to lift a finger. We even have some of these uploaded to youtube for you, so you need only share the link to add a video to mls...or a slideshow video to mls, social media etc etc. Easy....

Now you see why we are known as "so much more than just a photographer". We are really...."your marketing and business partner.

pro tip #4...and most important. All this.....everything we bring you...is ammo you can use next time you sit with a prospective seller to gain their listing. you.....are bringing all your resources, and now all our resources to benefit that seller. you are the real estate marketing expert....use us to to drive that message home and get more listings. Thats huge! If you even get just one more listing by using our entire suite of offerings....then you just paid for a whole year of photography shoots! maybe even more than that. Thanks Partner!!

Aerial drone real estate photo taken in ft pierce fl
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