This one takes you from day one.

This one shows you how to get your pictures


This one shows you how to change the time an or

thedate of your shoot

This one shows you how to input vital data into your listing so your

website looks good. (update: I made a system to do this for you with 1 click). So text me when you go live on MLS and I can import all the data for you

This one, while it talks about how to edit the pdf printable flyer thats showing on the property website...essentially is how you edit any and all of the marketing pieces

This one, is more of a how to use the below vertical video reel. Now obviously, you can simply drag n drop these into your favorite social media like tik tok, insta, facebook, x or whatever you prefer. And thats great, you'll be way ahead of most realtors. BUT>>>>>

Here's another way to use these tools. We are a resource for you. use us to book yourself more listings. Let me restate that for you.....use our marketing kit products like this one, to leverage yourself to gain more listings. If you can do that even 1 time a year...you just made enough to cover all your real estate photography expenses for the whole year and then some.

HOw? Simply show this vertical reel to your next seller during your presentation. Maybe show one of our property listing websites, and maybe a couple of your favorite social media marketing ones. YOU BRING ALL this and more to the table for your sellers to benefit

Does anyone else? No probably not. So you....get the listing cause you are the professional real estate marketing expert who provides a suite of modern marketing materials (all branded to you of course) so it becomes a no brainer for the seller to list with you...over the hoards of "realtors" who simply don't have this kinda firepower in their aresenal.

Then ask yourself......does any other real estate photographer bring to


this kinda fire power either? No...probably not

from our easy scheduling online systems, amazing marketing resources for you, the zillow boost program, affordable prices, next day turn around, unrivalled hdr image quality, drone aerials, 360 tours, floor plans, new interactive floor plan and 360 tour combos, videography, twilights, virtual staging, virtual de cluttering, Someone who shows up early....dressed in company attire not some t shirt and flip flops......we represent you and your brand better than most.

sort of a no braniner to use BCI REAL ESTATE PHOTOGRAPHY TOO ISN'T IT.