Strategies for shooting your Treasure Coast Real estate listing on rainy days

so this is the time of year where often you have no choice but to photograph your real estate listing on a rainy day. Here in south florida, it's just a fact of life in the late summer early fall seasons. Rain almost every day can lead us to having to shoot in or near rain. Here's a couple strategies to make the most of the situation.

First off....consider daily weather patterns when scheduling the shoot in the first place. Typically, it rains almost every day in the afternoon. So......schedule accordingly earlier in the day.

Second, be flexible. We are! If we see there is a likelihood of rain on the day or time you set up the shoot....whenever possible we will contact you to try to shoot it before (or after) the rain is forecast to occur. So you can get with the seller so that we can have the best chance at delivering you the best images possible despite the weather. IOW, help us help you!

Thirdly, we all know about condensation on the windows. Physics tells us that such condensation occurs when the humidity levels are extremely high, and the dew point is above what the air conditioning has created on the inside of the house causing the window surfaces to for water on them (condensation). So what can you do? easy!!! Have the seller simply set the temperature higher than normal for a few hours prior to the shoot. Its a small price to pay for clear windows, as you really can not photoshop clear windows. But warmer glass surfaces equate to no condensation. Cant eliminate the rain of course but we can eliminate the heavy condensate on them using this simle trick to better real estate photos on a rainy day in south florida

also remember, drones are not at all waterproof so we simply can not fly in any rain whatsoever. Plus, having to photograph through all that humidity and rain really diminishes the appearance of the sky and horizon on far reaching shots (ie over the ocean) for example. Its just thick with moisture and therefor is not only not clear, but sadly kinda dark and gray.

Anyway hope these tips help. We want to be able to give you the very best imagery possible on any and every shoot. These can help when mother nature isnt helping us out quite so much.